A film short showing some of the VXM digital activities over the last 3 years.
Ipswich Film Day – 15th June 2014 Come and join this FREE event at the Ipswich Town Hall on Sunday, 15th June as part of Access All Arts. The Ipswich Film Day will feature a full day full of screenings, workshops and demonstrations. Families, young people and adults can join in with the various […]
Local game designer Daniel Shepard is looking for a team to help participate in the creation of a game. Amateur or professional he wants to hear from you. If you can do one of the following you should get in touch. C# Programmers ¦3D Modelers ¦ Level Designers ¦ Animators ¦ Artists ¦ Sound Engineers ¦ Producers ¦ Web designers ¦ Marketers […]
VxM promotes and facilitates experience-based media education, wisdom, participation, production and dissemination initiatives by connecting cross-border media centres and a virtual youth community platform, targeted at 16 to 25 year olds. It has particular foci on cultural identity and local empowerment. Here is their advert.