The VxM Project has now finished, however some of the work created over 3 years can be viewed here at ICTV

 Digital Shorts

VxM (agazine)

VxM Saying Goodbye!




The Villa Cross Media (VxM) Project is a Pan-European youth engagement initiative working with CSV Media Clubhouse (Ipswich), CoastNet (Plymouth), City of Mechelen, Lessius Mechelen University College and het Entrepot (Brugge).

VxM promotes and facilitates experience-based media education, wisdom, participation, production and dissemination initiatives by connecting cross-border media centres and a virtual youth community platform, targeted at 16 to 25 year olds.

If you are aged between 16 and 25, unemployed or not in training or education, and have an interest in the media, we want to hear from you.